I made this dress for my baby girl and I adore it. I don't know if she does or not but oh well- I am the Mommy and the boss and I get to pick the outfits sometimes. Seriously- I flipping love it. Modesty aside because I hate being boastful.
She has only a handful of wee sundresses and I had been meaning to whip a few up for ages but nonsense had gotten in the way. I finally decided to just do it as quickly as I could and see how it went. So we picked out the fabric from ye' old box o' fabric (fabric I have spent way too much time and money gathering but wish I could sleep in a pile of sometimes because I love it sooo much) I cut out a piece I thought was bigger than her and had her lay down on it.
I marked her armpits (and measured around them), belly button, knees and where I wanted it to fall on her legs. Then I measured around her belly and added two-ish inches. I am not an exact crafter although I have heard they exist. I cut according to my marks.
I pinned down the top to form a channel wide enough for the 1/2 inch elastic I had found in my bits and pieces collection and pinned the bottom of the fabric to make a close seam. After that it was easy-peasy-pudding-pie. I sewed straight lines where I had pinned and made them as neat as possible for an "on the fly" kind of project. I threaded the elastic through the channel and attached it at one end. Using the measurement of her armpit/bust/chest whatever it is when you are 3, I pulled the elastic until it was stretched enough to fit closely around her top without leaving marks or pinching, pinned the stretched end in place at the opening of the channel and then pinned the elastic in several places to keep it flat and prevent it from changing size. Next I sewed the elastic at the open channel, thereby closing the channel and forcing a gather in the top of the dress. After that I made a straight seam across the bottom of the dress and a simple flattened out seam to close the back of the dress.
To make the straps I attached 1/2 inch double fold bias tape cut to about 8 inches to the inside of the top of the dress on both sides, being careful to match front to back so the ties would work well. I also added a VERY long belt loop on the back with the same bias tape. I figure this will allow for the dress to grow with her some. It is generous in size already and the shoulder ties can be adjusted, have buttons added or sewn together to fit a larger child. The belt is simply the same bias tape with the ends stitched to stop fraying. I will probably knot them later.
It took about an hour to an hour and a half all told but as I said it was not done with exact measuring or perfection in mind. It has stood up so far though. Plus she had been wearing braids the day before the picture was taken so she looks all crazy, wild child in it. She was a little put off by the tiger being the main image on the chest so we made up a story about Bernard the Tiger who lives in and ice cream shop. It was very complex and fascinating. Email if you want first pick for the movie rights.
I will try to post more projects and have more exact directions. This was more of a "Look Ma- No hands!" kind of thing I guess. I also wanted to show myself that I still had it in me to find time to do the things I want to do. In the meantime I am going to strongly encourage her to wear the dress everywhere but especially places where people will see how adorable she is and ooh and ahh over her. Because then secretly they'll be oohing and ahhing over me right? In written form that does seem very very wrong. Bad Mommy. But ooooh. Aaaaah. Wheee!
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