Monday, September 28, 2009


You might notice new posts going up that are back dated and that is simply because I wrote them up but have been slogging around in other projects that distracted me from posting them. So after final edits and picture adding I am posting them with the original dates even though it is today. I'll keep this as the top post until I am caught up.
If you could imagine or knew how far behind I am on FaceBook you would start sending out a search party. There may even be people who assume I have just stopped paying for my FIOS connection. I'm around, just slow and rifling through papers real and virtual.
Thanks for checking in.

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Picking Up After NINE Years And Doing Scary Things

Could it really be that long? Could it really have been 9 years since I last wrote on this page? And it still exists? Dang. The internet ...